Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What is wrong with people?

So, I am in a frustrated mood tonight.  Just in general so I am going to vent about idiotic people.

So in our apartment complex there is a rule that you cannot put anything in the hallway between the apartments.  The hallway is outdoors and connects the apartments to the stairs and the elevator.  Well we are right next to a grocery store.  So people bring the carts back to their apartment.  This I have absolutely no problem with.  Technically the carts are not to leave the parking lot however if you bring it back, I won't complain.  However they never bring them back.  They are just thrown into the hallway.  I remember one morning I got up and it had been placed right up next to my door.  A clear violation of the rules and the law.  (It is illegal to block a fire escape path.)  So I am sure most people can already see why this pisses me off so much.

When you move in here you sign the agreement which says you will obey these rules.  What really gets me is I have reported this a million times and the company has not done anything to fix the situation.  This Sunday I actually caught one lady take a cart from the pile in the hallway and use it to go shopping, then she came back put it back.  Not only that but she didn't stack it, you know so the carts take up the least amount of space.  So it is sitting out in the middle of the hallway.  What kind of person would do that?  The worst kind of person in the world.

I mean come on, this is a clear case of put it back.  It is not like anyone walks into a store looks at a cart and wonders what the fuck it is for.  They don't try to wear it.  Everyone knows how to use a cart.  It is a clear showing of the absolute contempt that person has for everyone else.  There are carts all over the complex because of these people.  It is just beyond my comprehension that someone could be a good person and do this.

I know I rant about this all the time but if you don't like a law or rule, get it changed, don't just ignore it.  There are mostly two camps in the world.  People who follow rules and laws (me) and those that don't.  If you are in the former camp you are a chump if people can break the laws and get away with it.  It is just so frustrating.  I know my apartment complex management is getting tired of me complaining but they refuse to do anything about it.  I feel like I should start just putting my garbage in those carts since placing garbage outside your apartment but not in the dumpster is against the rules, just to see what they will do.

These people who leave the carts here just show a complete lack of respect for other people.  Who cannot spare 10 minutes tops that it takes to return something THAT YOU USED.  It makes me feel like there is a fundamental problem with America and its people, screw that, with people all over the world.  If we cannot just follow the simpliest of rules and respect our neighbors how can we ever make the world a better place?  I hope this lady enjoys hell, I hear it is warm there.

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