Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pimp My City

So I know it is no secret that I read the about weekly (maybe bi-weekly).  Well there is an interesting series this week called "Reason saves Cleveland".  As avid readers of my blog will know (and those who follow the links to the site) the site is very libertarian (hell the editor wrote a book called "Radicals for Capitalism" which I read all about the history of the modern libertarian movement in the US).

So the video series is very libertarian bent in its diagnosis of the problems that ail Cleveland.  While I happen to agree all of those things are bad I feel like they might be painting a half-picture here.  For instance in the second episode they promote charter schools.  Something I completely support.  However they do not state the opposing side of the coin where charter schools go wrong.  Sure there are good examples of Charter schools just like there are good public school districts.  It just happens that Cleveland currently doesn't have a good system.

Another segment deals with the taxes and red tape involved in owning a business.  Well I can't really punch any holes in the argument presented by the reason because I feel very strongly that over regulation is a very bad thing.

What was also a little troubling is that while they referenced other cities which solved the problems Cleveland has (which is the point of the series, to help Cleveland overcome their problems) they actually never focus on one city that does everything they suggest Cleveland does nor find a city that was in as bad of shape as Cleveland currently is in the past.  This is likely an important data point.  Any city could do one of the reforms they propose but to do all of them may be intractable (not just politically).  I feel like focusing on a city that was a rust belt city that turned around (or is turning) could help.  For instance Pittsburgh is turning around and becoming a more thriving city (though I never want to move there).  Perhaps a discussion on how they did it?

In the end I can't completely argue with the thesis that these things need to change.  I personally have a political philosophy that is very amiable to the libertarian mindset.  However I kind of wish for a more even handed approach, both sides of the story as it was.  I am beginning to feel like the reason is not completely about the best practice and is just about the libertarian practice.

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