Platonic Academy

"I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma."  ~Eartha Kitt

It is important to always be learning.  I make it a point to continue learning throughout my entire life.  It just helps that I like to learn new things and am interested in a wide variety of  subjects.  Below is a collection of online resources for learning various things.  Included in the list below are links to blog posts related to the course material and book references.  While I doubt the list will ever be specific to one area or general in all areas you will definitely get resources to things I enjoy and have learned.

What I am taking now:

Classes taken:

  • Game Theory.  This is a general course about game theory.  The course has a finance (economics) bent but is strill a really good overview of the field.
  • Financial Markets.   (About the Role of Financial Markets.)  This course is given by Robert Shiller (Yes the guy from the case-shiller index).  This is an overview of various financial markets.  This is a course I strongly suggest you take.  It helps a lot with understanding wall street.
  • Introduction to Psychology.  I never took a psychology course so this was fun for me.  What I find most interesting is that psychologists seem to like to discover all kinds of crazy things about humans that is counter-intuitive to me.  I was very entertained by a lot of things in this course.
  •  Global Population Growth.  (Comparison with "The Third Chimpanzee.", "Economist Articles")  This course reviews essentially the history of human reproduction and how sociological and political issues affect the population growth.  Also discussed are the theory and history of population study. 
  • Geography of United States Elections.  This course reviews the elections of presidents over the span of American political history.  Interesting videos.  The last one is done just one night after the 2008 election.  I felt like the critical analysis gave way to just map showing at the end but on a while a worthwhile watch.
  • - This is the best site I have seen in quite a while.  Very much recommend this site for courses.  However the ability to have access to PowerPoint and course materials is limited but the ease of finding courses or videos is great.
  • Open Course Ware -  This is MIT's online course directory.  I feel like the content is sparse in areas I would like but it is a great place to waste hours learning new things.