Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Right idea, wrong vehicle

So recently Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts (ya, that guy who Bush nomiated) was speaking at a graduation ceremony in Alabama.  There is a msnbc.com article about it here.

So what did Roberts get right?  The state of the union had degenerated into a political pep rally.  It likely always was.  However I am frustrated when watching it (something I haven't done for a while since I started to notice this) because I am tired of then everyone in the president's party stands up and claps while the other party just sits there.  Political parties have pep rallys of their own, the state of the union is not that time.  In fact, I would prefer if there was no clapping.  This time should be used for the president to come to congress and say, 'Look, here is where we are and here is what is assailing us'.  It doesn't have to be apolitical though, obviously dems would put more emphasis on spiraling medical costs and reps would concentrate more on the wars.  However this can be done in a bipartisan maner.  I mean come on, America is purple, not red and blue.

Roberts also got it right that the state of the union has been used to attack the other side.  However this isn't something that is new.  It seems like he thinks this is some kind of new development, no it has been done for a long time.  However that being said if I was president I would not use it to attack the judicial branch (Robert's biggest point) or congress.  Whether you like it or not the supreme court actually probably did the correct thing according to the law, frustration should be leveled at congress who can't seem to write a simple bill that accomplishes the stated goal because they are too busy making it longer than war and peace.  Simple laws people, simple.

However, I feel like Roberts also got it wrong.  This doesn't seem to be a justice stating an obvious fact.  It seems more like a conservative playing to his base.  Alabama is largely republican and he is and was appointed by a republican.  It doesn't seem like this is anymore than another trite attack of one side on the other.  Perhaps he should be more concentrated on upholding the consitution in his court and less on how other branches bicker.  (The executive branch could use the same advice as well.)

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