Tuesday, March 9, 2010

They should have been worried a long time ago...

The time for action is now.  And by that I don't mean on health care (which is a mess and will create more problems than it plans to solve) or on the environment (which is not getting any help from democrats).  No I mean to vote against the dems and reps in the next election.  What is interesting is that a recent survey from Harvard says that most of the young people (in my age group) are already turning.  This is a good sign.  The article makes the valid point that the democrats need the youth vote in the next election to win.  They needed it before as well, and they are losing us.

What I find most interesting is that they likely aren't losing us to the republicans (though that would be the obvious anti-democrat vote) but to inaction which is a vote for 'none of the above' or 'both are equally good (or bad)'.  This suggests a lack of caring in my generation which isn't something the country can afford.  It is important to engage people in politics especially the young because if they are disenfranchised early they will be less likely to vote/make a difference.  So how can the country continue when an entire generation is not involved (for reference this won't be the first generation to go that way nor the last).

Mostly it seems like this is a call to action for the government to also look out for our interests.  The problem is that health care reform will place burdens on me (and my generation), lack of debt control will affect me (and my generation), special interests, stupid policies, etc. affect me (and my generation) and no one cares.  Let's be honest, the government is not looking out for us in my generation, and doing nothing is not helping us either but for many of my peers doing nothing seems to produce the same result which means the path of least resistance will be taken (a.k.a. not voting).

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