Sunday, April 4, 2010

Have you meet 'TED'?

So I am sure many readers of my blog know about TED.  The Wikipedia page is here.  Basically the website is a collection of people talking about things.  :-)  I know sounds boring but the people are really engaging and innovative with their talks in general.  I have added TED to the list of videos to watch with this post.

So today I want to talk briefly about a video staring Philip K. Howard.  He is a long time lawyer and advocate of fixing the justice system. It is a provocative lecture about what is wrong with the current system and what it should be like in theory.  It is interesting.  I think there is a very interesting discussion there and I may go out and buy his book.  It is interesting to think of the difference between the intent of justice and laws and the implication of justice and law, as compared with current justice and laws.  I think there is a real area where things can be improved here.  This is an area I haven't blogged about a lot, usually I blog about reducing overhead of laws and taxes because it infringes on liberties and is counter to productive economic growth.  (Everyone knows I am a fan of less intervention.)  So this is from a different view and is more ethereal, what should it looks like and how do we get there.  Anyway, well worth the 18 minutes to watch.

Updated: Added 'TED' label.

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