Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So, little change of pace.  I fell off my bike the other week.  I was going home early from work because I felt terrible.  So there are two high school girls walking down the path.  One on a skateboard the other walking.  So they are walking exactly 1/3 of the way across the path from both sides of the path.  So I start ringing my bell.  (It is really dumb to be walking the way they were, and dangerous.)  So they don't move until I am almost on them and what do they do?  The leave the skateboard in the middle of the path and each jump to their own sides.  So what does my bike do?  Hit the board and fall over scrapping my knee on the ground.  The girls were all like 'oh we are so sorry are you ok?'.  I wanted to be like, 'are you a doctor? No? Then go away.'  Instead I just said, 'Next stay on the right side' and rode off.

So anyway my knee is messed up and scrapped up.  So this leads me to my post (no the story wasn't it).  Isn't it amazing that the human body can heal itself.  I know everyone is saying something similar to 'No Shit'.  But think about it.  My body was dragged across the ground, skin tore off, blood coming out and somehow my body will be as good as new in about 3 more days and in like 7 days you won't be able to tell what happened.  This is amazing.  I mean I could describe for you all of the processes that happened to heal my knee but that seems to deaden the really amazing part.  I know it is completely possible to hurt yourself beyond repair but for a fairly major injury (compared to what any other thing we humans can make) and I am healed.

I was just musing about that this week.  It is so incredible, life is amazing.

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