Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pet Peeve #2: Bluetooth Ear Pieces

So, I have another pet peeve that annoys me to no end. As the title says, BLUE TOOTH EARPIECES DO NOT MAKE YOU SPECIAL. I would like to say that no one I have ever meet is important enough to have a blue tooth ear piece in their ear while they pick up their dry cleaning or ordering an overpriced glass of water with suspended particles in it. Additionally as has been said by many people, I don't need to hear your conversation, nor do I can what she did, with whom, and where, nor do I care about your uninformed opinion about the president, congress, whatever pet project you have, or whatever your work/union/friends tell you. (I realize the irony if you are reading my blog, it was suppose to be funny.)

Anyway as I was saying, no one is that important. I would also like to add that you can take it out of your ear and interact with real people. However I will say on a plus note that it is refreshing to see some people actually following the law and not talking on the phone without a headset while driving. At least I am assuming this, as I have yet to see someone driving who was talking on the phone using one.


  1. I think you're addressing two different things in this post. They are:

    1) Bluetooth means you're special
    2) Bluetooth means everyone hears your conversation

    While I agree that #1 isn't true, I don't think it's always what people are going for. And #2 is true of any public cell phone conversation, not just those that are on bluetooth. In this case it'd be better to say that nobody should be talking in public (which isn't going to happen).

    And, at least at home or in the car, I love being able to use my bluetooth headset! Just think of all the brain cancer I'm not getting ;-)

  2. The issue is more that they have them in their ears while they are not on the phones. I have watched a person have it in their ear when they walk into the grocery store walk through the entire store and leave without removing it. At the end of the day no one is that important that the 10 minutes they are in the store will significantly impact the world is they don't pick up. If they are that important they will have an assistant. I have also watched a mom have a conversation the entire time she is in the store, while ignoring her kids. Just ridiculous.


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