Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Special on water in the pudget sound

Frontline tonight was a special on water. I would say at the start Frontline continues it's 6045 part series on depressing shit. I think they need to break it up with a special on why rabbits are cuddly. I mean come on, a happy special sometimes, please. After watching Frontline I think my water is poisoning me, my credit card company is hanging me, my country doesn't listen to me, my representative doesn't know shit, I'm going to pay 90% taxes, Aliens are pulling my brain out through my nose, and my stuffed animals, regardless of what they say, are trying to kill me. Just a couple of specials on kittens, please guys.

The Frontline special is here.

This special was particularly interesting because it featured the Puget sound as an example of poisoned water. The special was talking about the affects of the 1940s on the rivers and the problems that it brings to today. What is interesting is the law which says that land owners can only develop about 60% of their land in King county. I have heard a lot about this recently but did not really understand the entire story behind this law (which is apparently still being challenged through the courts). It was also interesting to hear the other side of the discussion about this law. The people affect, in their opinion, in an adverse and illegal way discussed the consequences of the law on their lives.

Basically this special deals with things that aware Americans already know, our water is poisoning us. Not nearly as quickly as China's water is poisoning them though. The chemicals, medications, sewer water that get dumped into the waterways are poisoning the ecosystems all over the world. As an interesting anecdote I was hiking this weekend by the Puget sound and I saw a long stream of oil just sitting on the water. You know the kind of thing you would see in a rough lake after a storm when all the oil collects in one place. I actually thought, this being democrat heaven, that the sound was actually in good shape. Got my eyes opened.

It is really depressing to think that the world is assailing us on so many sides with clubs and society is more concerned with who some movie star is dating this week. The poisonous waters are slowly rising to cover our homes and the politicians in Washington are more interested in lining their pockets and promoting their narrow-minded view of the world. Really sad.

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